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Chinese community during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Writer's picture: CISIIPCISIIP

2020 年6月底,加拿大父母服务中心(CISIIP) 在为疫情筹款和CAP-MTL的参与者中进行了一次问卷调查。此次调查旨在了解在加拿大的华人对参与抗击疫情的公益活动的态度和现状。

In June 2020, the Canadian Institute of Social Inclusion for Immigrant Parents (CISIIP) conducted a survey among CAP-MTL participants and people who engaged in fundraising for Covid-19 for both Wuhan and Montreal. This survey is conducted in order to investigate and understand the Chinese community's engagement in fighting against the COVID-19.


In total, we received 108 response.


There are two parts in the survey.


Section I: Single-choice and Multiple-choice questions.

在这个部分,我们希望了解答题者的一些基本情况,包括他们的公益活动的参与情情况,此次疫情对他们的影响, 以及他们对疫情的了解程度和对疫情的信息获取的渠道。

In this section, we would like to know a bit about the survey participants’ background information, their participation in charitable activities, how/whether this pandemic affected them, how they think about the Covid-19, and the channels where they acquired the information about COVID-19.


Section II: Attitude Questions

在这个部分里,针对下面的一些说法,我们请答题者按自己的赞同程度打一个分(1 完全不赞成/ 2 不太赞成/ 3 中立/ 4 比较赞成/ 5 非常赞成)。态度题没有对错,这些说法旨在了解每个人的不同观点。 For the following statements, we ask the survey participants to give a score according to their level of approval (1 totally disagree / 2 somewhat disagree / 3 neutral / 4 somewhat agree / 5 totally agree). There is no right or wrong in attitude questions, we simply aim to understand everyone's different views.


In the end, a big thank you to everyone who participated in the survey!

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